"Look at all the VALUES of testing—DON'T JUST TEST TO TEST"— Tony Wells
Standing Long Jump
Questions to Ask Before Testing:
Why should I test?
What will testing accomplish?
Is it an appropriate time to test?
How will testing and testing results affect your training and season plans?
Why Test?
Testing is used to help predict an athletes future performance and ability. Additionally, testing is used as a comparative factor to help understand an athletes progress during early season training.
Testing is a tool to assist coaches with season training plans, daily practices, and competition considerations—all tests are predictive in nature and not correlated directly to current race potential. Coaching is key.
When to Test?
In a four week or 28-day cycle, testing should occur on the fourth week or between days 21-28.
Why?—Testing should occur during the restorative portion of a training cycle as not to conflict with periodized training plans.
Sprint Specific Tests:
30 Meter Fly
Tests: Maximum Velocity
Standing Long Jump
Tests: Acceleration and Initial Power
3 Bounds and 5 Bounds
Tests: Acceleration
Backwards Overhead Shotput Toss
Tests: Acceleration and Initial Power
(Wells, Smith, & Taylor, 2001)
30 Meter Fly Test:
The 30 meter fly test is the most predictive and most critical test.
This test is used to determine an athletes acceleration, maximum velocity, stride length, and stride frequency.
This test is also used to predict approximate 60 meter, 100 meter, 200 meter, and 400 meter performance ideals.
Each athlete should start from blocks
Zones should be set up for a 30 meter acceleration segment and a 30 meter maximum velocity segment.
The test result should be taken from the 30 meter maximum velocity segment.
How to Record:
If possible, Fully Automatic Timing should be used.
This would include a Freelap system or Brower System.
If an F.A.T. system is non-accessible, Dartfish video analysis may be used across mobile platforms to obtain identical results.
Video analysis should also be used to gauge an athletes stride length and stride frequency.
This would include using Dartfish or other video analysis software.
Max Velocity (m/s)= (3o meters) / (30 meter fly time)
Stride Frequency (steps/s)= (5 strides) / (time taken)
Stride Length (m/step)= (maximum velocity) / (stride frequency)
For basic 30 meter fly correlated predictions—please use this table as a guide.
For exact 30 meter fly testing results—please Contact Me.