Fall 2014
MCOM 215-Media Visionaries (A) Professor Bob Rucker
This class observed, analyzed, and conversed with multiple Silicon Valley leaders and innovators. By discussing and researching individual topics, groups, and proprietors, we were able to prepare for interviews and gain a level of knowledge and understanding regarding career success and innovation.
MCOM 290-Theory of Mass Communications (A) Dr. Diana Stover
The focus of this class was centered on our eventual Master’s final project. We spent the semester researching a specific topic and creating a final literature review. This literature review eventually served as the crux for the Master’s proposal for the final project—the first step in completing the Master’s in Mass Communications curriculum.
MCOM 210-Media and Social Issues (A-) Dr. Scott Fosdick
In this class we looked at various mass media resources, including books and various digital articles. We analyzed, critiqued, and presented on specific topics throughout the semester. The final project for this class was comprised of a final research paper and a correlated presentation. For my final topic, I compared and contrasted global media and degrees of access to data and information on the internet in a paper titled—Freedom of Information in the Digital Age.
Spring 2015
MCOM 295-Mass Communications Research (A-) Dr. William Tillinghast
The concentration of this class was learning techniques and tools for completing the Masters curriculum and the pertinent research. Through a further gained understanding of survey strategies, polling techniques, and data analysis and interpretation, I was able to implement a survey to statistically prove the necessity of my final Master’s project topic. This survey, coupled with a literature review, served as the fundamental basis and eventual acceptance of my Master’s project proposal.
MCOM 270-Communication Law and Policy (A+) Dr. Diana Stover
The focus of this course was to gain insight and understanding into Supreme Court cases which have shaped current media law in the United States. Through an analysis of past and currently pending cases, we were able to understand themes and inherent legal guidelines encompassing all mass media actions. The final project for this class was an individualized and in-depth examination of a Supreme Court case and how this case has or could affect mass media as a whole.
KIN 168- Psychology of Coaching (A-) Dr. Ted Butryn
In this class, we discussed a multitude of topics as they pertained to the synthesis of psychology research with concepts of coaching. By melding the two subjects together, I was able to gain a concrete understanding and knowledge of psychological themes in coaching and how to apply these themes to tangible and real situations. I was further able to utilize this knowledge while coaching women’s track and field at San Jose State University. Each practice and competition scenario is distinctive and often characterized by unpredictable events. This class helped me to reinforce how to handle and mitigate each situation and how to better address each athlete as an individual.
Fall 2015
MCOM 285-New Media Technology (A-) Professor Tim Mitchell
This course served as a formal graduate introduction to media technology and the role it plays in shaping and creating mass media. Throughout the semester we utilized various Adobe programs such as Photoshop, InDesign, Audition, and Premiere Pro to create our own media products. As learned through continual coursework, each program can serve a specific production or design goal. When utilized together, these programs helped to create a final project pamphlet for the class.
MCOM 280-Communication Management (A) Dr. Richard Craig
The focus of this class was to analyze mass media outlets, groups, and resources to further understand how news is created and disseminated. As a key element of this class, we analyzed and discussed four different articles—both for conception and overall presentation, as well as perceived effectiveness and clarity. For the final class project, I did an in-depth and critical analysis of an important and salient mass media topic—new age file sharing.
Spring 2016
MCOM 284-Project Management (TBD) Dr. Richard Craig
As a direct follow-up to MCOM 285, New Media Technology, this class further utilized media technology in the creation of a digital portfolio. A specific and individualized digital portfolio served as the fundamental theme for the semester and the overall final project. By incorporating previously learned technology, I was able to create a digital platform to showcase my accomplishments, experiences, and topics applicable to a career portfolio.
MCOM 298- Special Topics in Mass Communications (TBD) Dr. Scott Fosdick
This class, or independent study, was designated specifically for my final Master’s project. Throughout the semester, my individual work was guided and observed by the department advisor—Dr. Scott Fosdick and my lead project advisor—Kelley Watson. The culmination of this unique course represents the final component and conclusion of the Master of Science in Mass Communication program.
Master of Science: Mass Communications
Current GPA: 3.85